Explore the wilderness by discovering the hiking trails of l’Estérel, a land of adventure and mystery just a stone’s throw from Camping Plage du Dramont. Between steep cliffs, verdant forests and breathtaking panoramas, a hike in l’Estérel promises an unforgettable experience for nature lovers. Immerse yourself in spectacular scenery, marvel at the diversity of local flora and fauna, and feel the pure energy of this unspoilt natural gem. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned hiker, the Esterel trails offer challenges to suit all levels, for moments of relaxation and discovery in the heart of Mediterranean nature.


In the heart of the Esterel, hiking trails run like veins through the landscape, guiding adventurers through a mosaic of colors. Each path reveals a new facet of this breathtaking region, offering total immersion in an environment where earth meets sky.

The panoramic viewpoints that mark these itineraries offer breathtaking vistas of the red Esterel hills, contrasting with the deep blue of the Mediterranean. These natural belvederes, accessible after a rewarding climb, are places of contemplation where time seems suspended. Among them, Pic de l’Ours and Cap Roux stand out for their breathtaking views, making them must-sees for photographers and nature lovers alike.

Hikes in the Esterel are punctuated with discoveries, each path revealing its secrets to those who take the time to explore them. The routes are dotted with signs of a rich geological history, with fascinating rock formations. Preservation of these natural treasures is a core concern, ensuring that the Esterel remains a haven for biodiversity and a sanctuary for hikers seeking to reconnect with the essence of nature.

Flora and wildlife

L’Estérel is a true jewel of biodiversity, home to an exceptional variety of flora and fauna perfectly adapted to this preserved natural environment. As you hike along its winding paths, take time to admire the majestic umbrella pines, century-old cork oaks and aromatic plants that color the landscape with a vibrant palette of nuances.

The umbrella pines, emblematic of the region, stand proudly against the azure sky, offering welcome shade to hikers under their dense foliage. The cork oaks, silent witnesses to the passing of time, add a touch of character to these unspoilt landscapes, recalling the rich natural history of the Esterel region.

And what about the aromatic plants that dot the ground? Their intoxicating fragrances fill the air with enchanting scents, offering a unique sensory experience with every step. From robust rosemary to delicate lavender and fragrant thyme, the diversity of aromatic herbs adds an extra dimension to the beauty of l’Estérel.

And keep a sharp eye out for the wild inhabitants of these unspoilt lands. From cunning wild boar to majestic deer and birds of prey that soar through the sky, the fauna of the Estérel is as varied as it is fascinating. Every encounter with a wild animal is a unique opportunity to observe life in its purest form, far from the hustle and bustle of the modern world.

Places of interest and unusual detours

In addition to the breathtaking scenery that characterizes l’Estérel, this region abounds in places of interest and unusual detours that are sure to spice up your hikes. Explore mysterious caves hidden in the folds of the mountains, discover ancient ruins that bear witness to the region’s rich past, and stop off at refreshing watering holes where you can rest and recharge your batteries in the midst of nature.

The caves of l’Estérel, with their often discreet entrances, are real gems to be discovered on your excursions. Some of them feature astonishing rock formations, millennia-old stalactites and stalagmites that evoke a fascinating subterranean world. Others are steeped in mystery and legend, inviting adventurers to delve into their depths and unravel their secrets.

The ancient ruins scattered around the Estérel also offer a glimpse into the past, revealing the remains of ancient civilizations and human activities that left their mark on the region. From abandoned villages to medieval fortifications and ancient water mills, each site tells a captivating story that invites imagination and reflection.

Finally, the watering holes hidden along the hiking trails offer a welcome break for tired hikers. Whether it’s a refreshing stream, a sparkling waterfall or a tranquil lake, these natural oases are invitations to relax and contemplate, where you can recharge your batteries in harmony with the surrounding nature.